Patient Zero
Patient Zero URC Special Branch Triple Helix 4.12 Game Over Body not recovered CS +17 day CS +13 day 4.11 Retrieve Body by Overt means 4.10 CS +10 day Public Exposure +2 4.9 Whisper in the Wind Public Exposure +10 Patient Zero 4.8 Patient Zero captured by Overt Means Patient Zero Whisper in the Wind 4.7 Patient Zero captured by Covert Means Public Exposure +2 4.6 Whisper in the Wind Public Exposure +10 Patient Zero Patient Zero Whisper in the Wind 4.5 4.4 Patient Zero captured by Covert Means Patient Zero captured by Overt Means CS +3 day Warning +1 4.3 Exposure +2 4.2 CS +1 day 4.1 Patient Zero